Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Aroused During Your Period

How would have been the Meeting of bloggers if I had been there

The truth, look, I have to be honest.

I would have liked to attend the Meeting but was not and I was very angry because I lack. Yes, sir. I really need!.

Well, first let me tell you the tremendous silly I did when I learned of the invitation. Look what I did: I wrote and told

(thus I can be gross), said: "Hello, I am willing to go But I can not."

do you mean aicant? Of course they "can "but then I did not think and say (that I say to comfort me) say it was because of this nonsense I was not there.

Who knows? Maybe so, no? (Say yes. Just to console me, hehe)

Well, as I was saying, the Meeting had been very, very different if it had been there for the sole and simple reason that I would not have allowed (or allowed others) a couple of things:

1. Had not allowed a single blogger supper that night unaccompanied.

2. I would not have allowed out of there without having shaken hands (and secured to learn the name) of the 145 remaining and the moderators and panelists.

(Bishop Lombardi probably would have been tempted to call my case to the Swiss Guard could secure almost)

That would have done without even the impossible to break the circle of old friends who did that for a minute broke (that I know because I watched through the camera's father Roderick).

probably would have made a fool, (conservatively) a dozen times to be convinced that everyone had at least shaken hands and said his name.

is that pa `I say that what is going one there, then? Pa'ver to the usual suspects saying the same thing? No, what's going ...! You go to the Vatican to a Meeting of bloggers to do what you can do par excellence, your passion: to communicate, donated, delivered, shared ... come into play with all one's face that reality.

Finally, the Meeting if he had been there would have been very different but I was not, therefore, know that you lost to have taken the "very pleasing remembrance" of what had been the Meeting if I had been there.

What can we do? It will be the next in which, perhaps, if "can"!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Put Lidocaine On My Dog

What will follow?

José Luis Resto commenting Massimo Borghesi said "Any training or event plan, which does not lead to generate free Christian personalities and full of reasons, willing to risk in the midst of the world, only serve to increase our melancholy" so I, being full of reasons and free not know myself why I should remain in the melancholy that makes me feel powerless against the secularization of the sacred.

In this photograph you will see a sign in the garden of the temple of La Merced in the heart of the capital, but there in the top left of it, will also look out the corner of a gigantic banner hangs around the top of the temple.

After this no longer is as follows, maybe Masses celebrated under the auspices of sponsors?

In this other picture what they are observing is not a diaper-changing lesson aimed at novice mothers but one aspect of the celebration of the rite of the sacrament of baptism in a parish of the province in my country.

You see? And you who thought they had seen everything!

What will follow? Well, I'll tell you what will follow: not the responsible authority to correct or redirect their training to the laity (as it should be) more than one will accuse me of arrogance and call me a fan. That will, just that.

I just hope, let alone get to see the day when some Catholics to become (because maybe it will not not until the Second Coming), I hope to be alive to witness that some are honest with themselves and admit that since long long ago ceased to be Catholic and, incidentally, took him a stream of souls.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Substitute Phrases For Names On Shower Invitation


for that, that I'm finishing off the bottoms of the pages that I'm doing and I have almost this page, in the absence of integrating figures and a few tweaks this page is very nearly complete.
well then leave it there.
greetings to all

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Losing Someone You Love To Cancer

"A heart is not enough"

Several days in silence. What is the reason, Maricruz?

Well, what do you say? I am full of objections. I have criticized both the view that everything is a "but" now I like them, but not like them completely, because I seek and hope to soon find a way out.

What kind of object? Ah, better not ask why the list is long, but if you insist, I will mention a couple. I got lousy

a discussion on abuses in the liturgy last week in which a pair of priests, despite the evidence in photographs, claimed that there was no abuse in the celebrations presided. I felt sick to realize that if they see no abuse is because there was no authority that the show and although they refer you to the Magisterium lay they always find a justification for what they do. Wow.

tantrums that made me also damaged the monitor of my computer the day of the Meeting of Bloggers at the Vatican. Or tell me! It was most frustrating. The next day, bump and a half, it was not the monitor but the video card and I lost another day without going online.

After the Meeting of Bloggers and waiting for information from any of them aimed at those who do not attend, as I waited, it seems that for the 150 the rest do not exist. That has put me mothers!

In this pair of nonsense that came Throw in the guys I hired to collect and sell the cilantro, my only employee became ill and had to become disabled, we hired another person that what he did was abuse us ... My God, far you can imagine how I got to Thursday? I arrived on Thursday

tired and sad but still I dedicated it to accompany my father to the doctor, lab tests and other procedures that left me exhausted.

At this point, Friday, and among many other things that happened, I no longer held. How was I going to argue before both fruitless effort, so much bad news so many people sad, sick, persecuted, bitter, confused, devastated, angry and fearful like me?

heavens, Lord, how I got to the "valley of tears" in which they live so many that all they object?

Certainly, as my friend Chiara, "A heart is not enough for everything that makes it beat"

Allow my heart to cling to You, Lord, my heart is not enough. Not enough!

And, my heart beats clinging to yours because you exist or useless faith.

Faith serves, I know and exist, because who Tu-is-but that I hold?

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Besser Blocks Vegetable Garden

"The evidence the player will find your soul" Fluffy Tapioca Pudding

To celebrate this day only tell you this was what I told my Puerto Rican friend Mireily when he said:

- "How will be celebrating this (referring to the beatification) is now in heaven? I'm curious?

- "If you want to know how to celebrate this day in heaven do not imagine things and look for external signs find evidence of looking at your soul.

Will you looked already?

Also being held in the sky that our beloved John Paul II was declared blessed and well on the day of the Feast of Divine Mercy. "