Sunday, April 10, 2011

Paint For Aluminum Travel Trailer

and were happy!

ventured online since I gradually fell in the fact that as Catholics and Communists had a big task ahead to consist in personal a meeting to arouse the interest of the truth of the Gospel.

I walked for a long time tumbling for two reasons: one was that they could not find a method and another, which seeks to impose on reality.

These reasons were the impetus that kept me looking and when I found Method Faith was for me, "a hug unexpected and was glad "because he, Don Giusso and Julian Carron, managed to communicate what they lived much better than I ever could have done, which is why both have become witnesses for me to follow.

Teniéndoles as a model and moved by the same avidity of raids now provided a new look on the internet and getting people to find documents again and again cast light on my job as blogger but mostly Catholic the world.

One of them is that I bring and mentioned much that for myself I have been discovering and putting in practice getting it (and graciously) amazing results.

There are no shortcuts:
is the time of free personal testimony

José Luis Resto 06/04/2011


(I note the text that caught my attention)

"Of the many keys, openings and clues left to us the recent Encuentromadrid 2011, I find it especially significant that the philosopher Massimo Borghesi said: now a genuinely religious position representa la verdadera crítica social y cultural, la palanca para romper el conformismo y abrir espacio a una novedad . Borghesi había retomado una afirmación de Don Luigi Giussani en un histórico coloquio con el dramaturgo Giovanni Testori, según la cual éste es el tiempo de la persona, del testimonio libre y personal.

En un tiempo marcado por la indiferencia, por el escepticismo y la caída de las grandes certezas, sólo un encuentro entre personas puede despertar lo humano , en medio del desierto. Sólo un hecho totalmente gratuito puede volver a despertar las grandes preguntas del hombre . Por eso Borghesi sostiene que el espejo en que la Iglesia tiene que mirarse Now is not that of medieval times but the old when the Church lived among pagans.

According Borghesi, who has delved deeply into the cultural and educational background of this moment, we are not faced a godless world . The problem is we need to know about the heart of this confused generation, which often do not know the men of the Church. We need a meeting which raises again the question of religion, the question of the meaning of life and the world. But evidently, not just any kind meeting . It requires a kind of humanity that hosting the condition of our contemporary , vibrate with questions, not slow in their obfuscations and rebellions. a friendly presence as an expression of Grace . For as the Italian philosopher said defiantly, "nature can only be reconstructed by Grace."

often think that will be the overwhelming concern of the men who in one way or another will take you to the port of the Church. But now we discover that often has to be the reverse: only a significant presence of faith (ie of intelligence and affection arising from the faith) can break the fence, you can break the desperate conformism that characterizes so many at this time. So Borghesi argues that the critical time for the cultural season is the religious moment, the only one able to handle and open gap, while the closure against the energies of mystery hangs cultural and social change. Who would have thought it!, Can whisper some postmodernists.

This has enormous implications for how Christians are present at this historic moment. Do not forget that Benedict XVI has stressed that this is something we must continually learn again. But the trial of Borghesi, to which I heartily endorse, debunks many pastoral strategies and not just shock movement against secularism. Because good intentions aside, do not count with the substantive issue: that change can not come from the political and social struggle, the dialectic. That is not just to rekindle the embers, but raise a human novelty. And that would only happen through a meeting, bare-chested, with a changed humanity by faith. Any training plan or event does not lead to generate free Christian personalities and full of reasons, willing to risk in the midst of the world, only serve to increase our melancholy.

was impossible not to think, in the context of this issue of Encuentromadrid, at the initiative of the Court of the Gentiles dear to the Pope and just released in Paris. Just this weekend at Casa de Campo Madrid, many non-believers, indifferent or simply away, have experienced a hug unexpected. a meeting that did not judge or imposes burdens, but awakens their desire for true life and puts forward no perfect ivory tower, but an adventure in which his deepest desires can find a match today. have found a place where faith was not for them but embrace trench. and were happy. "

I add only that, days ago I became a fan of an atheist group on facebook that promotes the procession atheist and I can assure you there was a meeting that has largely confirmed what I expressed by Borghesi.

So to Lazarus's death was no grave for today's man of faith should not be trench but embrace, the embrace of a look and a gesture like that to this great friend the Lord snatched from the grave.


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