"They say that many members of the misty and cold Brussels starting to emerge from their burrows because they heard the voice of a pastor. Maligned and mocked, yes, but with the freedom and courage of the first apostles " . José Luis Resto

This is one of those provocative cases mentioned in the previous post about the wonder sprout speaks of a life lived as a testimony of a presence.
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The ridicule and glory
José Luis Resto 13/04/2011
name is André Léonard, and plays an arduous task. Being a pastor in Brussels, one of the most glorious history diocese who now lives lower their hours. A great Belgian press does not like Léonard, nor a part of the intelligentsia of the country. Even much of the clergy and Catholic teachers do not like her figure. The reason is simple: without fuss announces the Gospel, teaching in communion with the Pope, does not avoid confrontation when it comes to content of faith and Christian morality. And not trying to win the placet of the media at all costs.
Since coming to this office by express decision of Benedict XVI, a bunch of heroic anarchist seeks to slap him in the face a tartazo. Courageous act, so original and so free. When you see him with insulting epithets as "homophobic", "pedophile" or simply "shit." For defending the sanctity of all human life, the heterosexual basis of marriage and clerical celibacy. Issues in which is not very original. First caliber insults, then tartazo. The last time it happened at the University of Louvain la Neuve, where he arrived to lecture on the relationship between faith and science. It was his college, the same that had formed as a great theologian. Immediately upon arrival hall has received the first impact. With great humility and coolness Archbishop has cleaned her face with a handkerchief and continued their way to the conference room. There has been repeated in history. Before you utter a word has received the second pie in the face. What a laugh, but what a laugh. The brave activists had achieved its goal once again.
Imagine the psychological point he could start the conference by Archbishop Leonard in the temple reason and freedom of thought. For even did so gently, shelling their arguments intelligent and open theologian, not a reproach, as if nothing had happened. Benedict spoke in his message for World Day of Peace 2007's "cultural denigration" that are often subjected today Christians in the West. Perhaps no better word to describe this: derision. Of course, merengue smeared for the demolition of public image is more effective, more in tune with that "nihilism gayo" is the watchword of the revolutionaries of trash. Meanwhile, the centers of power look with a mixture of pity and hidden satisfaction. Although the old Belgian who once admired is about to apply it euthanasia, although the reason and only one sudoku for Sunday afternoon, and the large incumbents in the nation a vain dream fades between penny-pinching disputes.
But perhaps the proposal of the Christian faith in Belgium have hit bottom so that only from this vulnerability, this humility incarnate André Léonard, can begin to rebuild something. In fact with grotesque laughter began to break through the respect and admiration. Because that almost nobody is willing to give a reason for hope in if any. And this old priest who walks bare-chested, with more titles and more books on their backs to their pathetic critics, it makes for good. And when talking about the meaning of life and the sanctity of the family, and limit the omnipotence of the state, and especially of Christ crucified and risen, is contributing strongly to the good of the whole country. They say that many members of the misty and cold Brussels start out of their dens because they heard the voice of a pastor. Maligned and mocked, yes, but with the freedom and courage of the first apostles.
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