Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Forced To Smell Feet Story

In a country as chirrisquitico ...

chirrisquitico In a country such as mine that I bring is a great news.

A Catholic community facebook has been organized to celebrate the 28 anniversary of the visit of John Paul II to our country and she had the idea to also celebrate his beatification.

Finally, these diligent people have given us an official statement which I bring to rejoice with me.

Official Report Back to National Stadium Juan Pablo II

The National Stadium will once again, the meeting place of Costa Ricans with Pope John Paul II as it was 28 years ago, but this time in a vigil which runs on the night of April 30 the first of May on the occasion of his beatification.

The 264 th successor of St. Peter, through his long and intense as Pope garnered both the love and affection of the faithful Catholics, including worldwide respect for the spiritual leader and a figure of great historical significance .

was in that same scenario, the March 3, 1983, when thousands of young people met with the Bishop of Rome, on his journey through Central America. Now, again, thousands of Costa Rica can sing, laugh and pray at the vigil Festiva for the beatification of John Paul II.

What began as an initiative of the popular enthusiasm for Facebook, called "With John Paul II back in the Savannah", now becomes a reality.

Pope traveler, as he was affectionately known, was a lover of music, poetry, culture and artists, hence, the Vigil will be an event in which the liturgy, and moments of prayer and reflection, will be accompanied by quality artistic expressions by ministries and pastoral movements in our country.

The program provides more than 8 hours of activities such as singing and dancing, praying the rosary, prayers, videos alluding to the occasion, the monitoring of the beatification ceremony, the Holy Mass, a procession with the Blessed Sacrament, all in the context of the Second Sunday of Easter, the feast of Divine Mercy.

Participation Vigil will be free. The distribution of tickets will be announced.

Organising Committee Communications



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