Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Aroused During Your Period

How would have been the Meeting of bloggers if I had been there

The truth, look, I have to be honest.

I would have liked to attend the Meeting but was not and I was very angry because I lack. Yes, sir. I really need!.

Well, first let me tell you the tremendous silly I did when I learned of the invitation. Look what I did: I wrote and told

(thus I can be gross), said: "Hello, I am willing to go But I can not."

do you mean aicant? Of course they "can "but then I did not think and say (that I say to comfort me) say it was because of this nonsense I was not there.

Who knows? Maybe so, no? (Say yes. Just to console me, hehe)

Well, as I was saying, the Meeting had been very, very different if it had been there for the sole and simple reason that I would not have allowed (or allowed others) a couple of things:

1. Had not allowed a single blogger supper that night unaccompanied.

2. I would not have allowed out of there without having shaken hands (and secured to learn the name) of the 145 remaining and the moderators and panelists.

(Bishop Lombardi probably would have been tempted to call my case to the Swiss Guard could secure almost)

That would have done without even the impossible to break the circle of old friends who did that for a minute broke (that I know because I watched through the camera's father Roderick).

probably would have made a fool, (conservatively) a dozen times to be convinced that everyone had at least shaken hands and said his name.

is that pa `I say that what is going one there, then? Pa'ver to the usual suspects saying the same thing? No, what's going ...! You go to the Vatican to a Meeting of bloggers to do what you can do par excellence, your passion: to communicate, donated, delivered, shared ... come into play with all one's face that reality.

Finally, the Meeting if he had been there would have been very different but I was not, therefore, know that you lost to have taken the "very pleasing remembrance" of what had been the Meeting if I had been there.

What can we do? It will be the next in which, perhaps, if "can"!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Put Lidocaine On My Dog

What will follow?

José Luis Resto commenting Massimo Borghesi said "Any training or event plan, which does not lead to generate free Christian personalities and full of reasons, willing to risk in the midst of the world, only serve to increase our melancholy" so I, being full of reasons and free not know myself why I should remain in the melancholy that makes me feel powerless against the secularization of the sacred.

In this photograph you will see a sign in the garden of the temple of La Merced in the heart of the capital, but there in the top left of it, will also look out the corner of a gigantic banner hangs around the top of the temple.

After this no longer is as follows, maybe Masses celebrated under the auspices of sponsors?

In this other picture what they are observing is not a diaper-changing lesson aimed at novice mothers but one aspect of the celebration of the rite of the sacrament of baptism in a parish of the province in my country.

You see? And you who thought they had seen everything!

What will follow? Well, I'll tell you what will follow: not the responsible authority to correct or redirect their training to the laity (as it should be) more than one will accuse me of arrogance and call me a fan. That will, just that.

I just hope, let alone get to see the day when some Catholics to become (because maybe it will not not until the Second Coming), I hope to be alive to witness that some are honest with themselves and admit that since long long ago ceased to be Catholic and, incidentally, took him a stream of souls.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Substitute Phrases For Names On Shower Invitation


for that, that I'm finishing off the bottoms of the pages that I'm doing and I have almost this page, in the absence of integrating figures and a few tweaks this page is very nearly complete.
well then leave it there.
greetings to all

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Losing Someone You Love To Cancer

"A heart is not enough"

Several days in silence. What is the reason, Maricruz?

Well, what do you say? I am full of objections. I have criticized both the view that everything is a "but" now I like them, but not like them completely, because I seek and hope to soon find a way out.

What kind of object? Ah, better not ask why the list is long, but if you insist, I will mention a couple. I got lousy

a discussion on abuses in the liturgy last week in which a pair of priests, despite the evidence in photographs, claimed that there was no abuse in the celebrations presided. I felt sick to realize that if they see no abuse is because there was no authority that the show and although they refer you to the Magisterium lay they always find a justification for what they do. Wow.

tantrums that made me also damaged the monitor of my computer the day of the Meeting of Bloggers at the Vatican. Or tell me! It was most frustrating. The next day, bump and a half, it was not the monitor but the video card and I lost another day without going online.

After the Meeting of Bloggers and waiting for information from any of them aimed at those who do not attend, as I waited, it seems that for the 150 the rest do not exist. That has put me mothers!

In this pair of nonsense that came Throw in the guys I hired to collect and sell the cilantro, my only employee became ill and had to become disabled, we hired another person that what he did was abuse us ... My God, far you can imagine how I got to Thursday? I arrived on Thursday

tired and sad but still I dedicated it to accompany my father to the doctor, lab tests and other procedures that left me exhausted.

At this point, Friday, and among many other things that happened, I no longer held. How was I going to argue before both fruitless effort, so much bad news so many people sad, sick, persecuted, bitter, confused, devastated, angry and fearful like me?

heavens, Lord, how I got to the "valley of tears" in which they live so many that all they object?

Certainly, as my friend Chiara, "A heart is not enough for everything that makes it beat"

Allow my heart to cling to You, Lord, my heart is not enough. Not enough!

And, my heart beats clinging to yours because you exist or useless faith.

Faith serves, I know and exist, because who Tu-is-but that I hold?

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Besser Blocks Vegetable Garden

"The evidence the player will find your soul" Fluffy Tapioca Pudding

To celebrate this day only tell you this was what I told my Puerto Rican friend Mireily when he said:

- "How will be celebrating this (referring to the beatification) is now in heaven? I'm curious?

- "If you want to know how to celebrate this day in heaven do not imagine things and look for external signs find evidence of looking at your soul.

Will you looked already?

Also being held in the sky that our beloved John Paul II was declared blessed and well on the day of the Feast of Divine Mercy. "

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Statistics Of Bulimia Nervosa


Friday, April 29, 2011

Yellow Discharge 2 Dpo

Well, the truth I have not very clear how to make them aware of the outcome and my conclusions about the discussion on abuses in the Liturgy of facebook.

The facts are: the manager, who remained anonymous, deleted all the comments and while maintaining photographs set the site so that no comment.

Anyway, who knows what will be going through his head, the fact is it was a somewhat frightening experience that has challenged me in many ways but especially in the aspect of the unit.

Realistically, our crisis is a crisis unit, which is not you, but I have to catch me seriously but not so seriously has decided to expose my findings.

Let's see: You know the tapioca? Tapioca is sold in my country only as an import product as a product is somewhat expensive but, of course, my father loves so constantly buying and asks me to prepare it.

take it as you like preparing my mother, with her recipe Fluffy Tapioca Pudding , which is basically a recipe for Tapioca Pudding but with an extra ingredient that gives it the appearance Fluffy.

That additional ingredient is the simple beaten egg white until stiff , which not only causes those tiny tapioca granules adhere to each other much better but introduces enough air between them so that mixture increases in volume but especially attractive and delicate texture to the palate.

Yesterday afternoon, while preparing the recipe from my mother and after reading an interesting article in which the author including very realistic analysis of the breakdown of our ecclesial unity , I realized that the prescription proposed by the author and Fluffy Tapioca Pudding recipe have something in common egg white.

Of course, from a strictly culinary point of view our common point is literally beaten egg white which, both for my prescription to ecclesial unity and from the standpoint of the author, is equivalent to simplicity.
going to see:
"To sustain this unity the Lord placed upon Peter and his successors as the strongest hub network [] Unit not a matter of strategy or negotiation, is a matter of simplicity (egg white, you see?) [] Peter is the rock, despite his pathetic imbalance and vulnerability evident "as" Today As always, the unit will not come to discuss and make conference, but each simply accede (with the simplicity of the egg white) to Peter who speaks and acts. " People
as one that has the responsibility, among other things, four dogs greet each morning not only to feel loved but to avoid doing too much disaster in the day, people may tend to simplify things too but is that honestly, the most reasonable way to embrace the reality has always been, is and will remain attractive and delicate that simplicity that can be found even in Fluffy Tapioca Pudding recipe from my mother.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Greenies Bad For Dogs 2010

"Do not panic, Crucita!"

What shall I say? What the discussion on abuses in the Liturgy of hours on facebook was fatal. Priests and lay people dogs and cats seemed, gave a deplorable spectacle.

Sure, but that's not why I came.

came because, as this story is not over and I need to give me pause to think clearly, the better they share a tiny but delightful event that would remain in memory until my last day.

Two days ago as six in the evening was (as usual) on your computer. Walking in the darkness of the room I felt my father with his cane, his cortitos and slow baby steps toward me. I allowed as close as possible for as being more stone deaf is what it is. Lacking

as a step to be less than a meter from where he started talking and that was when I heard behind me say,

- "Do not panic, Crucita. Is that I'm going to bring me to kiss him because I think I do not give since I was a little girl. "

I'm not going to lie, at that time it seemed natural and cute Zampara me a kiss on the cheek, but nothing more, continued talking after a while away and I followed in mine.

course, as I am slow to process certain things was not until the next morning I remembered what had happened to the famous kiss was when I memory to remember when was the last time my father before that day she had kissed me. not remember! So it was true, since he was perhaps even arms, kissed my dad does.

is gratifying to realize that as we approach the end of our days are removed so many things, is a comfort because it means that reality offering continuous challenges to find ourselves with our brothers, with the One in whom everything has its origin and its end.

I do not know how it was the emotional life of my father's childhood, it seems that was not very intense, yet was always a loving father to the extent of its capacity. We may not offer physical contact but it never mattered to us because we were taking him with the same freedom with which it took me two days ago.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Best Gay Hookup Spots Raleigh

more riding on a cape buffalo

this matter at the end was half uncovered ... the best of oscar martin http://solomundocanibal.blogspot.com/
invited me to participate in a group on his fantastic comic character SOLO good thing and should be followed more or less in secret, but the final one for another has been uncovering and well ... I just hope that while there is still the case muicho to see light at the end come to fruition.
history with which I participate is in the hands of Oscar and well, I want to continue keeping the secret of what I have done so will not put any page
but to kill the monkey and I've been waiting doing another story on the same character without intending to be coupled to the collective.

so if I can assure you that the group has chosen Oscar leaving my involvement aside, people are first rate and you have earned a very nice surprise when you see their contributions to the comic ONLY. I can not tell
release date or anything like that that really do not know, I leave the link to the blog
oscar for that first you see as your regular updates and secondly to you to do more monitoring of posiboles daily news.
for my part I must say it was something really exciting for me, and well ... maybe you like to take this to some pages.
I leave another bullet in the story I'm preparing on SOLO, this time with a personal stake and no more intention than to draw and ultimately, to honor SOLO's character, and of course the author. OSCAR MARTIN
from here, thanks OSCAR

Army Rotc Herniated Disc

rookie and will tell me why Χριστός ανέστη

I'm a newbie
almost all freshman and quite ignorant but you do what you can to gain experience and knowledge, but anyway, the point is that I am "newbie newest novel" to me as is the discussion on facebook directly on abuses in the liturgy with a Costa Rican priest which rose some pictures of horror that someone took during one of his masses.

has been severely strained for several reasons: first, because it is very different from talking to thousands of miles away to a priest who never meet one who is friends with many of my friends who have more than 1500 followers facebook and also could meet them tomorrow while I'm walking down the street.

experience is totally different and requires infinitely more responsibility. What makes me think that everyone should have about all these cures to those who criticize to learn to be more responsible (and to be more charitable) with what we say. That's one side.

On the other hand, has been very difficult as many people I know and I believe shares to some extent or totally their way of thinking, which makes me a sign of contradiction and care until the division among the faithful of our local church. But go! the fact is that for me there is nothing new.

not new is not that help the Church to guard and protect the treasure of Liturgy is this the first or last time that I have earned enemies.

From everything I've discussed with the priest and the laity that make bar which has deepened me is that, indeed, our local church is like Spain so influenced by the "progressives" . What shall I say? The priest says that is the Magisterium and faithful to the Pope, but ... of course, from his own anthropological and also ensures that their initiative, creativity and improvisation are fully valid because the statistics say you have obtained excellent results. Realize?

have these fans of those who shout the league has ever put an eye in a magisterial document on Liturgy but defend him without question in the slightest.

In order for you anything new, I suppose, not to me.

In fact I felt sorry for the position to have Luis Fernando Perez InfoCatólica Wow, and so many around the world are in the same position, being attacked in many ways so only because they have thrown on the hyper-well-paid puestazo of "cavemen".

Well, as I tell you, I am there, doing the local LF at that facebook page, accompanied by at least one other priest that when it comes time to comment and one another layman who, to some extent, defend it with arguments.

do I know, this whole experience wanes a bit novedosísima my good mood during the octave of Easter, but at least I still have satisfaction in my country are beginning to expose abuses and that at least a few who give up for Christ in the Liturgy, by its Vicar, Magisterium and Tradition.

Those of you who are prayers, very rezadores I meant, téngannos in your prayers. Thanks.

NOTE: "Decorate" this post with one of the photos I mentioned.

--------------- I hasten to those who come to tell me that this post itself is a telling lack of charity that can be safe and comfortable that I consider likely (although this is not what my conscience tells me)

Monday, April 25, 2011

Different Things For Men To Masterbate With

a design for the nuclear winter.
not much else to say ... of time.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sympathy Sayings For Ovarian Cancer

Χριστός ανέστη εκ νεκρών,
trampling down death by death,
percent and de mnimasi,
charmed life!

Christos anesti ek nekron,
thanato thanaton patisas,
ke tis en tis mnimasin,
zoin charisamenos!

Christ is risen from the dead,
Trampling down death by death,
And to those in the tombs
He has Given life!

Christ is risen from the dead
trampled to death against death
and giving life to those in the tombs

"If Christ is Risen One did not know anything else
if not for us now is that of clarity and life "Maricruz Tasies

Note: Text and English translations courtesy of the father Mauricio Viquez

Friday, April 22, 2011

Gallbladder And Skin Rash


influcenciado not know if it will be from Japan or simply has gone well, but I am plotting a short story and without the slightest intention that the nuclear issue or its disasters appear This is a focused on this area.
good, because when I say nothing more, here I leave a remnant another page of something new, a new bullet as an advance of another little thing. Greetings

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Lysol Spray Msds 2010

These men, men on Holy Thursday

of the celebrations of Holy Week one that moves me most is the celebration of Holy Thursday at the Metropolitan Cathedral.

moves me, firstly because it is the conclusion to which we have witnessed both those priests who are relatives, friends or simply known as assisting those who collaborate in the Liturgy, so that we can see very them beautiful and very gallant, assuming our role with dignity.

In the aspect of ritual, a source of excitement is because it is a celebration sung by the choir of the Central Seminary of Paso Ancho and because, by having a phenomenal voice, his presence there is promise.

As with the presence of the seminarians, many details of the rite stir because they speak so clearly of God's love for his people and opens so many spaces for our response of love for Christ and the Church is not another moved back and extend this love to their enshrined.

On the doctrinal side, is a spectacular celebration, to mention one detail: since I started the opening song is an eerie layers transported to the mystery of redemption, at this point, usually the choir sings the hymn " Village of Kings "whose content is rich, so beautiful and so vast that between letters and chords, he fills one's soul.

if not known, the first stanza reads:
I sing, Oh, beloved Son of the Father;
we praise God's eternal Word output.
you sing, Oh, Son of the Virgin Mary;
We praise you, O Christ our brother, our Savior.
With only this song is put on alert the whole mind and soul.

The crowd then entered in procession down the aisle is great: hundreds of priests attached to his bishop prepared to renew the promises of his priestly ministry.

Year after year, these men are just men, but they have the uniqueness of their consecration, are present before the Almighty to renew itself with the love that gave their lives for 50, 35 or 6. They do this every year without fail in his appointment.

The weight of this evidence is great. One, to her, you get to ask about the type and quality of the motivations that produce a human being do this simple act with fidelity and again each year until the end of his days.

The only answer that comes to mind is the love A love of such quality and magnitude that is like leaving the very heart of Christ.

Love is patient, helpful, love does not envy, it does not boast, it is not puffed up, that does not come with lowliness, not seeking their own interest, which is not easily provoked, which has no into account a wrong suffered, that does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices with the truth. It is a love that everything apology, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. It is love that never fails. "

With the splendid liturgy of Holy Thursday a fall in the account falls how wonderful God is also close to his creatures, coming down from heaven and offered with their own hands the love that will enable them to catch up.

infinite love of the Lord who alone might reach land sky contained in an "if" tiny, in the affirmative response of those men, men on Holy Thursday.

"Men who go up alone to the altar and down all the streets and squares.

Those men who, for some, are the ones who are always right and that others, who are to blame everything.

Men who have gotten into the huge mess of anything unless you want to continue the work of Christ and of course, many times get it wrong. Because there are more than these men.

are those men who apologize to Christians, all men, so bad that handle the enormous and wonderful things of God, they are asked to have a little patience with them, and pray hard today and always, but especially today, for them all, because there are more than these men. "

For these men, men on Holy Thursday alway to God all the glory!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Homemade Microprinter

Happy Road to Glory!

do not know what happened to my life but since the "walk with God" is all she Lent.

An Easter Lent every Sunday, yes, but Lent.

What about my life before that? For worse, because it was the mismito hell.

My point is that I have come to the conclusion that it is more reasonable a life lived in a state of Lent lived without a single Sunday.

why I believe that, when approaching Holy Week, as I lack the air and if it is not shock or emotion and that's because Palm Sunday, like today, is the threshold at Easter which I presented as a "package of time," the story of my own life, in which I introduce and culminates a week after the Sunday par excellence: the Easter gives meaning to this I consider as my long life, interrupted only with the Glory of every Sunday which, by grace and my fate, permeates all the days of the week so that I can taste the good and exceptional saborcito a life of barely gives me a taste, a life that's all not know, not here, not now, but still no certainty as no may deny unless I betrayed myself.

Yeah, I know, sometimes oversimplifies things, but the facts are imposed: if life is beautiful, joyful, interesting, fascinating, and all a real challenge is his only and eternal Sunday Resurrection.
Well for that I came to wish a happy "encapsulated the time ..." a happy Easter ... a happy life lived in a state of Lent ... a happy way to Gloria!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Do Petroleum Products Make Ringworm Worse

Meeting in the Vatican

Jump joy as if it were me!

I've seen today list of the 150 bloggers invited to the Vatican, as if I'm happy for those selected among which are several bloggers of InfoCatólica as well as friends and acquaintances.

From whom I have learned first thing is the selection of Nestor Mora (Miserere) my dear old friend to join me not just national average but long hours of exchange of all types in the web.

A Miserere my congratulations as well as selected others who do not mention in this post and I guess I want to surprise them and do the talking about it.

I foresee a valuable and unforgettable experience, and please, those of you who had not planned to be in Rome and therefore are without shelter, let us know because we want to help.

also invited our readers to offer in this post or in person assistance to selected bloggers estimates.

Congratulations, folks! Keep us abreast! The expectation is large.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Provisions List For Sailboat Trip

bloggers are waiting for a treat! Moreover, demand it

"This is the problem, are expecting a gift! Moreover, demand it. " Javier Subtract

Reading this article Javier remaining in PáginasDigital.es have fallen into the account on which is largely the source of victimhood that show believers and non-believers. Because if it seems that this time, it would fit all in the same basket: the victims, are considered ...

Let's see, Let us explain: they are considered and act as victims those who expect everything from the state but so do those Catholics who are demanding that the Pope and the Magisterium of unconditionally admitted to communion.

And how they got there?

For lack of responsibility and the necessary leadership, lack that moves them to expect a perfect society and a Church "where you no longer need be good " as remaining in his article quoted as also adds" This confluence of real leadership failure on the one hand, and the other a demand response and solutions should be given other, higher courts, the State (Church) in short, is an explosive cocktail. In addition to generating a dynamic of victimhood unbearable and leads to violence is a breeding ground for ideological manipulation. "

By the same token, should not surprise the profanity, processions and a burst of masses, nor the reactions of the Magisterium brutal disregard of others.

Bold by them seems to have put them all in the same boat? No, for me it was the only way to make sense of the romantic spirit of rebellion teenager.

And to sweeten the life that we miss good, I leave here a lovely videito for the weekend pass and celebrate the 400 anniversary of the death of this great composer .

happy and well deserved rest!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Anyone Experience Atypical Glandular Cells

this is not a

good for that, that this is not a page of nothing, they are somehow qualify, remnants of sketchbook drawings ; of downtime in the "laburo" ... entertainment and small distractions,
... lapiz variettes asulll .. so every bit of that together in a sheet are resultón.
other day I put more.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

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begin to leave their burrows

"They say that many members of the misty and cold Brussels starting to emerge from their burrows because they heard the voice of a pastor. Maligned and mocked, yes, but with the freedom and courage of the first apostles " . José Luis Resto

This paragraph concludes this article on André Bishop Leonard who I met through a video which receives a tartazo. Did not know him and I suspect many do not know him but you know after the conclusion of the reading.

This is one of those provocative cases mentioned in the previous post about the wonder sprout speaks of a life lived as a testimony of a presence.

thank Mr. Subtract

The ridicule and glory
José Luis Resto 13/04/2011

name is André Léonard, and plays an arduous task. Being a pastor in Brussels, one of the most glorious history diocese who now lives lower their hours. A great Belgian press does not like Léonard, nor a part of the intelligentsia of the country. Even much of the clergy and Catholic teachers do not like her figure. The reason is simple: without fuss announces the Gospel, teaching in communion with the Pope, does not avoid confrontation when it comes to content of faith and Christian morality. And not trying to win the placet of the media at all costs.

Since coming to this office by express decision of Benedict XVI, a bunch of heroic anarchist seeks to slap him in the face a tartazo. Courageous act, so original and so free. When you see him with insulting epithets as "homophobic", "pedophile" or simply "shit." For defending the sanctity of all human life, the heterosexual basis of marriage and clerical celibacy. Issues in which is not very original. First caliber insults, then tartazo. The last time it happened at the University of Louvain la Neuve, where he arrived to lecture on the relationship between faith and science. It was his college, the same that had formed as a great theologian. Immediately upon arrival hall has received the first impact. With great humility and coolness Archbishop has cleaned her face with a handkerchief and continued their way to the conference room. There has been repeated in history. Before you utter a word has received the second pie in the face. What a laugh, but what a laugh. The brave activists had achieved its goal once again.

Imagine the psychological point he could start the conference by Archbishop Leonard in the temple reason and freedom of thought. For even did so gently, shelling their arguments intelligent and open theologian, not a reproach, as if nothing had happened. Benedict spoke in his message for World Day of Peace 2007's "cultural denigration" that are often subjected today Christians in the West. Perhaps no better word to describe this: derision. Of course, merengue smeared for the demolition of public image is more effective, more in tune with that "nihilism gayo" is the watchword of the revolutionaries of trash. Meanwhile, the centers of power look with a mixture of pity and hidden satisfaction. Although the old Belgian who once admired is about to apply it euthanasia, although the reason and only one sudoku for Sunday afternoon, and the large incumbents in the nation a vain dream fades between penny-pinching disputes.

But perhaps the proposal of the Christian faith in Belgium have hit bottom so that only from this vulnerability, this humility incarnate André Léonard, can begin to rebuild something. In fact with grotesque laughter began to break through the respect and admiration. Because that almost nobody is willing to give a reason for hope in if any. And this old priest who walks bare-chested, with more titles and more books on their backs to their pathetic critics, it makes for good. And when talking about the meaning of life and the sanctity of the family, and limit the omnipotence of the state, and especially of Christ crucified and risen, is contributing strongly to the good of the whole country. They say that many members of the misty and cold Brussels start out of their dens because they heard the voice of a pastor. Maligned and mocked, yes, but with the freedom and courage of the first apostles.

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of wonder in amazement

The Pope is about to celebrate 84 years on 16 this month and I realize it is just a few months older than my father!

Will anyone, having or not a parent of 83 years, wondering where and how out of lucidity, strength and sense of humor to boot old man who has been given with tremendous mission? ;

A Catholic woman I know is one day to another without the money they expected to ensure their old age.

there anyone that know and understand their situation, do not ask where, how and why this woman, who on top of an older woman, single and sick, do not throw the tallest building?
And as such, thousands and thousands of cases that one hears every day, every day.

people will not see these things and who they do not say anything?

Well, yes, they exist and more than we imagine.

Some, for example, do not see one iota of wisdom in the way the Holy Father leads the Church various aspects, there are also those who, like said the Holy Father "suffer from amnesia and deny the historical evidence of Europe's Christian roots."

The former are Catholics, atheists seconds which leads me to believe that something is missing in the second or something left over at the first (or vice versa) but the facts are undeniable: Liars fail to reality so that it reasonable to throw their lives so they live in " despair "in" despair "or" struggle "to" competing "with yourself, against all reality.

Yesterday Father Bill said Juan Morado "Believing the man access to the knowledge of the mystery of God, the manifestation of the truth of God which is at the same time, the deepest truth about themselves same ".

Will anyone believe and have access to the knowledge of the mystery of God, the manifestation of the truth of God which is already the deepest truth about itself does not see or refuses to admit that faith offers a kind of understanding of reality that gives reasonable to life and step-by-the delightful life of wonder in amazement?

No, anyone who has traveled down that road could not not see or refuse to see unless they betray themselves, be distracted or distrust.

Finally, beyond those who prefer to lash out against what they say "see" and that, they argued, has no choice that they themselves can offer, and I, because I see what I see, I prefer to live of wonder in amazement.

(Of course, if I betray myself, that does not distract me or distrust).

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Paint For Aluminum Travel Trailer

and were happy!

ventured online since I gradually fell in the fact that as Catholics and Communists had a big task ahead to consist in personal a meeting to arouse the interest of the truth of the Gospel.

I walked for a long time tumbling for two reasons: one was that they could not find a method and another, which seeks to impose on reality.

These reasons were the impetus that kept me looking and when I found Method Faith was for me, "a hug unexpected and was glad "because he, Don Giusso and Julian Carron, managed to communicate what they lived much better than I ever could have done, which is why both have become witnesses for me to follow.

Teniéndoles as a model and moved by the same avidity of raids now provided a new look on the internet and getting people to find documents again and again cast light on my job as blogger but mostly Catholic the world.

One of them is that I bring and mentioned much that for myself I have been discovering and putting in practice getting it (and graciously) amazing results.

There are no shortcuts:
is the time of free personal testimony

José Luis Resto 06/04/2011


(I note the text that caught my attention)

"Of the many keys, openings and clues left to us the recent Encuentromadrid 2011, I find it especially significant that the philosopher Massimo Borghesi said: now a genuinely religious position representa la verdadera crítica social y cultural, la palanca para romper el conformismo y abrir espacio a una novedad . Borghesi había retomado una afirmación de Don Luigi Giussani en un histórico coloquio con el dramaturgo Giovanni Testori, según la cual éste es el tiempo de la persona, del testimonio libre y personal.

En un tiempo marcado por la indiferencia, por el escepticismo y la caída de las grandes certezas, sólo un encuentro entre personas puede despertar lo humano , en medio del desierto. Sólo un hecho totalmente gratuito puede volver a despertar las grandes preguntas del hombre . Por eso Borghesi sostiene que el espejo en que la Iglesia tiene que mirarse Now is not that of medieval times but the old when the Church lived among pagans.

According Borghesi, who has delved deeply into the cultural and educational background of this moment, we are not faced a godless world . The problem is we need to know about the heart of this confused generation, which often do not know the men of the Church. We need a meeting which raises again the question of religion, the question of the meaning of life and the world. But evidently, not just any kind meeting . It requires a kind of humanity that hosting the condition of our contemporary , vibrate with questions, not slow in their obfuscations and rebellions. a friendly presence as an expression of Grace . For as the Italian philosopher said defiantly, "nature can only be reconstructed by Grace."

often think that will be the overwhelming concern of the men who in one way or another will take you to the port of the Church. But now we discover that often has to be the reverse: only a significant presence of faith (ie of intelligence and affection arising from the faith) can break the fence, you can break the desperate conformism that characterizes so many at this time. So Borghesi argues that the critical time for the cultural season is the religious moment, the only one able to handle and open gap, while the closure against the energies of mystery hangs cultural and social change. Who would have thought it!, Can whisper some postmodernists.

This has enormous implications for how Christians are present at this historic moment. Do not forget that Benedict XVI has stressed that this is something we must continually learn again. But the trial of Borghesi, to which I heartily endorse, debunks many pastoral strategies and not just shock movement against secularism. Because good intentions aside, do not count with the substantive issue: that change can not come from the political and social struggle, the dialectic. That is not just to rekindle the embers, but raise a human novelty. And that would only happen through a meeting, bare-chested, with a changed humanity by faith. Any training plan or event does not lead to generate free Christian personalities and full of reasons, willing to risk in the midst of the world, only serve to increase our melancholy.

was impossible not to think, in the context of this issue of Encuentromadrid, at the initiative of the Court of the Gentiles dear to the Pope and just released in Paris. Just this weekend at Casa de Campo Madrid, many non-believers, indifferent or simply away, have experienced a hug unexpected. a meeting that did not judge or imposes burdens, but awakens their desire for true life and puts forward no perfect ivory tower, but an adventure in which his deepest desires can find a match today. have found a place where faith was not for them but embrace trench. and were happy. "

I add only that, days ago I became a fan of an atheist group on facebook that promotes the procession atheist and I can assure you there was a meeting that has largely confirmed what I expressed by Borghesi.

So to Lazarus's death was no grave for today's man of faith should not be trench but embrace, the embrace of a look and a gesture like that to this great friend the Lord snatched from the grave.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Installing Diana F Instant Back

The post of

The post of the hat reads:

"I've sent 4 hats Saturn or" hats tile "or capelli romani for different padrecitos in Costa Rica that have asked to me! Will becomes the culture of clerical hat to our beautiful land? "

who posted it on facebook is a much loved Costa Rican priest studying in Rome and I think it was suspicious that generate an interesting discussion but more than So that would prove, among others, that the faithful need to see the priests in cassock or clerman.

To give you an idea I have gathered from the more than 115 comments those that best describe the tone of the discussion:

Priest: prefer death to get something like that or a cassock!

Lay: [] the habit does not make the man but definitely need more priests "uniform" in our streets, our neighborhoods, cities, maybe not as much as cassock but less with his clerical collar, the truth sometimes see one each "case" that look more like farmers who are harvesting potatoes or onions that priests (I make the clarification that I have nothing against farmers)

Priest: [] these areas of diversity like me because I respect those who put those hats, those who use cap, beret and wearing nothing!! do not think anyone has the latest and best truth in that because we are not talking about things of faith, but priestly fashion.

Lay: Ji , Ji, turn back the clock, the Pharisees and chonete chuicas fought for, and the people? do not think the Cure of Ars, I have been looking Romero Casaldaliga and bonnets and surplices.

Priest: Brother to see if you send me one, thanks. God bless you.

Lay: there but there is no way to see the priests in cassocks, I love and respect and inspire confidence is that the habit does not make the man but it's definitely something else!

Priest: Interesting this discussion, you can give to all, but more to know and love the sources and the wealth of our beloved Church. Everything in the right measure, without going to extremes. The senses perceive there to help them through signs and symbols without breaking the harmony of these elements merely empty or external. The bottom line is the strength of what is believed and the way we live. The respect for the sensibilities of the people of God and is a hit.

Lay: Since almost everyone went for the dress of the priests, I'm not demanding that you always walk with necks, but at least when the occasion warrants. There is every daddy as fachoso that for the sun to see them, at least formal wear shirts and trousers, not appearing to celebrate Mass every bare-chested, with jeans, sneakers, and open all Picapoll dawn.

Priest: Blessings P. Sixto. Greetings from a distance, I'd be interested to get one but give it time for Easter and all that cost? Please answer the mail.

To end this excerpt from the discussion I quote one of the interventions posters priest, says:

"Blessed are the poor in spirit! I know many brother priests, to what I say with sorrow that in life have been a clerical collar or a robe and austerity know neither the meaning and if by the fallacy that these garments away to the people of Cura, just read reviews of our lay brothers who participated in this "controversy": ergo! There is no such distance, however. "

And to close with a flourish, the remainder would ensure that several priests (and laity) Eleuterio read the post on the series Father Iraburu about habit and clerman which extract the quote with which I conclude:

"I know the proverb, 'the habit does not make the monk." Well, I maintain that it is the habit that makes the monk. The habit is, in effect, to Monk and others, the sign, the perpetual symbol of their separation, the symbol that is not a man like everyone else ... 'This habit is a force ... is the strength of mastery of a master not ever loose his slave. And our aim is to snatch its prey. 'When he left that the military uniform to which you are enrolled, you will find the freedom of being your own master, no longer has a rule that will press all the time, his whole life and not feel the presence of a superior the orders have to ask ... is no longer the man of a Congregation, sooner or later become the family man, the man in the city man of humanity. 'It will be necessary to engage the secular religion to gain his life like everyone else. Do not ask for more, and be free. "Perhaps for some time remain faithful to their religious beliefs. Let's not worry, let him secularize himself alone, life will help you '"Ferdinand Buissa , French MP, French Chamber of Deputies, March 4, 1904.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Window Watching Neighbor

hat "all began with a simple and condescending not tell the truth"

Fabulous! It has come in handy this little article Alfonso Aguilo Pastrana has published our esteemed Juan Romero in place Conoze.com
The article talks about the false compassion and the shoulder the following sentence "It started as a mere pious and not telling the truth"

It has been a natural fit because, as far as concerns the last few months, reality has placed me in front of it making me see that she is a and to which I can only choose between two options: yes or no.

If is evidence and so true what I have before my eyes.
No It is all a lie and impossible to discern and trust what I see.

A little radical? No, the options are clear and most evident consequences that stand to represent as radical options such as "yes" of Mary or the "no", for example, any believer, Catholic "unresolved", etc.

Well, Pastrana Aguiló article refers to a novel by Stefan Zweig in which a young man not to offend the sensibilities of a young woman leads to the detriment of himself and those around him a situation by other absurd, both as we cause in real life.

I always hated the lie but the lie in others, because it is the others who lie one ever! much less to himself, but that too is a lie, we all lie and we lie to avoid pain, the deep pain that comes from being realistic, looking at the evidence and tell the truth.

What kind of truths
avoid? Truths like:

- Clearly, I am proud.
- Certainly, I am suspicious.

other lies considerably more difficult to accept:

- I'm so intelligent worship.
- I'm an atheist so I'm rational.
- I "x" type of Catholic so I'm closer to sainthood.

If original sin has caused as much damage as we have seen is that the first parents failed, plain and simple, to admit the evidence.

had been enough for the couple before you choose primeval had stopped, looked and admitted that "all of this splendid garden is here for us all and only have to deprive us of this tiny tree that told us we should not "come , but no, they had to close, take and get away with it, eh?

"It started as a mere [and condescending] say (is) the truth " and therefore here we deny the evidence, lying and making faith a useless tool and this life could be anticipation of the glory-a nonsense of the most spectacular.