catch high numbers despite already capturing females developed incubatriz plate, which means fewer catch them because they spend more time in the nest, which decreases the probability of capture.
has continued to move chip implementation. In the day's 23 more, that are added to those made in previous days.
have been 50 in total catches of 17 species. The catch is divided into 34 loops, 14 and 2 controls without ring:
Serin 9 +3
common Common Chiffchaff Blackcap
0 +1 2 +1
European Robin

Sparrow Common Nightingale
5 +0 1 +3 1 +
black Starling 0
Garden Warbler Reed Warbler 2 +0 2 +0 3 +1
Tree Sparrow
Ceti Nightingale 2 +4
Chaffinch Greenfinch
0 +1 1 +0 1 +0
Gray Flycatcher (Muscicapa striata) 1 +0
Short-toed Treecreeper 2 No ring. (Soon we will reveal the secret of not ringing the species). Stresses
an individual banding of Gray Flycatcher, a species rare in the Presa del Rey. In addition, number of catches of Serin. Here you have a photo of the wing of one of them dating back as age 5, ie, born in 2008.

serin Wing. Photo: Carlos Ponce.
Banders of the day: Arantza Leal, Rafael Martín and Carlos Ponce. In training: Oscar Magaña.
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