Today Saturday we made the fourth day PASER. Despite forecasts of a few catches while we were riding at dawn the Japanese networks, have captured 65 birds of 20 species (54 banding, 10 controls, 1 no ring). Another excellent number of captures and species.

We continued to make moves chips. In total 24 more chips.

Flycatcher. Photos: Carlos Ponce
still are being caught birds in step, such as Bonelli 's Warbler. In addition, individuals have captured the first of Flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca ) , Garden Warbler (Sylvia borin ) or Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus ) , the latter rare species at the station . In contrast, and there is a significant increase of individuals that show signs of breeding, incubatriz plate or cloacal protuberance. Among these species, which are really interested to achieve the objectives of the Programme PASER, are, for instance, the blue tit, the great tit, the Woodpecker, the Greenfinch (Carduelis chloris ), the European Serin (Serinus Serinus ) and Blackcap.
The results of the day per species, taking into account the banding + controls, were:
common Serin 2 +0 8 +0
Flycatcher Common Chiffchaff 1 +0 4 +0
Sparrow Goldfinch Moorish
Common Nightingale 5 +1 2 +0 6 +1
tit black Starling (Sturnus unicolor ) 5 +0
Garden Warbler (Sylvia borin ) 4 +0 3 +0
Reed Warbler Blackcap 4 Tree Sparrow
+1 2 +0 2 +2
Ceti nightingale
Chaffinch tit
2 +1 1 +2 1 +0
Bonelli 's Warbler
Greenfinch (Carduelis chloris ) 2 +0 0 +1
Blackbird 0 +1
Woodpecker Short-toed Treecreeper. No ring.
Rings: Carlos Ponce and Octavio Infante.
In training: Jus Pérez.
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