Saturday, April 25, 2009

How Long Does A Reed Fence Last

Matchday 4 Matchday Programme

Today Saturday we made the fourth day PASER. Despite forecasts of a few catches while we were riding at dawn the Japanese networks, have captured 65 birds of 20 species (54 banding, 10 controls, 1 no ring). Another excellent number of captures and species.

We continued to make moves chips. In total 24 more chips.

Flycatcher. Photos: Carlos Ponce

still are being caught birds in step, such as Bonelli 's Warbler. In addition, individuals have captured the first of Flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca ) , Garden Warbler (Sylvia borin ) or Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus ) , the latter rare species at the station . In contrast, and there is a significant increase of individuals that show signs of breeding, incubatriz plate or cloacal protuberance. Among these species, which are really interested to achieve the objectives of the Programme PASER, are, for instance, the blue tit, the great tit, the Woodpecker, the Greenfinch (Carduelis chloris ), the European Serin (Serinus Serinus ) and Blackcap.

The results of the day per species, taking into account the banding + controls, were:

common Serin 2 +0 8 +0

Flycatcher Common Chiffchaff 1 +0 4 +0

Sparrow Goldfinch Moorish
Common Nightingale 5 +1 2 +0 6 +1

tit black Starling (Sturnus unicolor ) 5 +0
Garden Warbler (Sylvia borin ) 4 +0 3 +0

Reed Warbler Blackcap 4 Tree Sparrow
+1 2 +0 2 +2
Ceti nightingale
Chaffinch tit
2 +1 1 +2 1 +0
Bonelli 's Warbler
Greenfinch (Carduelis chloris ) 2 +0 0 +1
Blackbird 0 +1

Woodpecker Short-toed Treecreeper. No ring.

have participated in this event:
Rings: Carlos Ponce and Octavio Infante.
In training: Jus Pérez.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Lotion Like Discharge?

PASER Dam to the CMA Program

How could it be otherwise, the station Rey Dam, along with other stations coordinated by SEO-Monticola, actively participate in the new MUDA Program recently presented the CMA.

far, among the three days of banding has been made, and there have been 45 sheets of moulting King Dam. In the picture you can see the study of the wing at the time of making a dumb statement.

Wing female Blackcap. Photo: Octavio Infante

recommend for the highest number of groups banding MOVES in this interesting program. To achieve the objectives we need a good geographical spread of the rings, and a large number of sheets moves. This program seeks to further knowledge in the process of change of our birds and edit a reference manual and support for all rings.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

How To Make Scrapbook Birthday Invites

MUDA has been made to wait

One weekend we made the journey over the PASER. This time, and predictably, the number of catches has declined. Have been a total of 43 catches of 13 different species (31 and 12 banding recoveries).

captured species were: Common Nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos ) 0 + 1, Blackcap 15 + 2, Sparrow 5 + 2, 0 + 1 Tree Sparrow, Common Myth 2 + 3, 0 + 1 tit, tit 0 + 1, 0 + 1 Green Woodpecker, 3 + 0 Warbler, Common Chiffchaff 3 + 0, Ceti Mockingbird (Cettia Cetti ) 1 + 0, Hoopoe (Upupa epops ) 1 + 0 and Chaffinch 1 + 0.

As you can see by the number of seizures, continuous blackcaps step. One of the controls of this species has been the recovery of a female Blackcap ringed with Belgian sent. As I commented , this year and three consecutive years are getting a recovery of this type, but this time we had to wait until the third day of PASER. To whet

some debate, here are a couple of photographs and biometrics of a net that we have captured this morning to see if we all cleared the doubt and found her species.

Biometrics of this individual is:

wing length: 59, 5 mm
Length 8 th Primary: 45 mm
tarsus length: 18.74 mm

You can leave

your comments on this same input.

Participants in this third round were:
Rings: Carlos Ponce, Rafael Martin and Octavio Infante.
In training: Jus Pérez, Oscar Magana, Angel Gómez, José Antonio Laperriere and David Ortiz.
Other contributors: Félix Caballero.