In his book The Religious Sense gift GET WITH Giusso offers us all the facts so that our capacity reason, to open and consider all factors, not just help us find the man who usually hides behind a crust of prejudice (true lies) that builds and armor around his heart, but also and especially to reach "recognize, admire, acknowledge and live Christ"
Alfonso, president of the university cultural association Atlantis, described how he entered with all the reality and has drawn a lawsuit on She and English universities.
Pá has published an interview he made about the events on the campus of Somosaguas, I'm bringing one of the questions and answer in which I have highlighted the different aspects that Alfonso has removed that allow you to recognize the need for his presence in college and that is the same as reality requires us to each of us.
From your experience, Alfonso confirms an irreducible truth: it is when discussing ideas but "when talking about the actual experience [] (real experience we had with a man who has entered our history and we change every day) when the Church has something to propose to the world "
The full interview can be read at this link .
After the attack on the shrine you have made on campus handing out 5,000 copies of your manifesto that you say you want to talk to everyone. What response have you found?
The full interview can be read at this link .
After the attack on the shrine you have made on campus handing out 5,000 copies of your manifesto that you say you want to talk to everyone. What response have you found?
We found responses of all kinds. To realize a little more we can talk about three: the first , the violent response and powerless who will not enter into dialogue and you quickly get branded as fundamentalist, homophobic and ultra-conservative, absolutely blinded by ideology stifling. If the current position is impossible because the conversation becomes an absurd clash of ideas against ideas and indeed no dialogue is possible. The second is the opposite but no less ideological people who traditionally respected or even part of the Church but is not measured by what we say, but defends it as another idea, as if Christianity was an idea. The result is the same, without insults, but without any wealth that allows us to enter the human, in the field of experience. Here comes, finally, the third response, which is worth be present in the environment, in college: when you find people who can defend an idea in advance but recognize the need for a genuine dialogue , who are not afraid to defend but we can appreciate it and submit it to a healthy criticism, people try to understand what you are defending so you can refute it intelligently and not just ideological, people who are not afraid of freedom. And the high is when you realize that the person in front of you the same thing you want to be happy, seeing people suffering injustice, who rejoice when they want it, this is where our proposal falls as a torrent, because it is a human given that saves power and human desires, often misunderstood by the university community, even at times utopian, think that the Church accused of murdering women who have abortions and instead we talk about real places where they were welcomed, they think the Women are despised and girls who are there tell us they have never been so well treated and have experienced the real value they have. When talking about the real experience is when the Church has something to propose to the world . Because ultimately what is the Church, how was the Church. The Church is born of a man who has entered history and has changed people for over 2,000 years , so this is what we have to witness, not all a litany of rules and values \u200b\u200bthat if you do not fulfill you cast [1] .
blogger's note [1] which is what many Christians think that we (and you think, because, lamentablemte-often are not wrong because among us there are still many who choose to discuss ideas rather than on our actual experience and we do not know how or because, simply, "we have no experience from which to speak)
blogger's note [1] which is what many Christians think that we (and you think, because, lamentablemte-often are not wrong because among us there are still many who choose to discuss ideas rather than on our actual experience and we do not know how or because, simply, "we have no experience from which to speak)
have much to learn from these college kids, the truth, yes.
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