well after having been able to recover the hard disk where I had this picture, I finally have ended.
as almost always say, could be further sharpened detail some things and go on and on with him but .. just too crowded as usual and decided to quit drawing.
good because here I leave the greatest Grubert with deep, or what could be the mother deep.
the cave is where they live, and blue is for the accumulation of guano for millennia.
if it is the deep manure is half blue and phosphorescent.
ea! there's that.
edit and put a picture but it is the same but with more height in the background ... did not know which to put that truth is not which is better, if that is narrower and less tall background or the background is seen more in height ....
the cut because I think that the bottom if you eat too big figures, but nose ... and will you tell me .... if you want to clear
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