start hot days, but the dawn has risen a gentle wind that has been with us throughout the day. We coded as indicated in our field cards that the wind was annoying (move networks). Probably this fact has caused the low number of catches. These figures are very low, but to discuss with other colleagues in the SEO-Monticola Ornithological Group is being replicated in other PASER stations maintained by the group. In total we captured 42 individuals of 14 species, of which 28 have been banded and 14 were controls.
On the other hand, of the 42 catches only 9 individuals had no signs of being breeding right now, ie almost 80% of the catch are the main breeding time. Garden Warbler
3 + 0 3 + 3 Tree Sparrow

Gray Flycatcher
1 + 0 1 + 1 Sparrow Tit
2 + 2 1 + 0 Starling vulgaris Ceti
0 + 1
Nightingale Common Nightingale 2 + 3
polyglot 2 + 0 4 + 1 Greenfinch tit
0 + 1 ring-free Short-toed Treecreeper
addition to these catches, some attendees witnessed how a sparrowhawk was trying to prey on an agate that was itself caught in the net. Finally got away without getting the passerine prey. He also stressed the observation of a strong influx of Swallows pursued by two European falcons . Even the owls sing from the cliffs.
Banders of the day were: Arantza Leal, Carlos Ponce and Octavio Infante. Collaborators: Pedro Silos, Trees Robjins and Ariel Brunner. The latter two are partners in the office of BirdLife International in Brussels. Photo
Carlos Ponce.
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