again very low numbers of captures. Only 24 birds of 16 species, 12 rings, 11 controls and an unbanded bird. The latter is the same as the previous chaffinch day, recognizable by the tarsi deformed, probably due to scabies, as Jesus told us kindly Pinilla. Between the rings also captured a female robin incubatriz plate and a warbler mosquito net. We believe that this latter species, found in migration, should have already reached their breeding grounds and are no soto de la Presa del Rey.
1 + 0 1 + 1 Ceti nightingale
Zarcero polyglot
1 + 1 Garden Warbler 1 + 0
Tree Sparrow 1 + 0
tit 1 + 3
Greenfinch 1 + 0
Serin 2 + 0 1 + 0 Hoopoe
black Starling
2 + 0 0 + 2 Common Nightingale Blackbird
0 + 2
0 + 1 0 + 1 Woodpecker
ring Chaffinch
Without I leave a photograph of the wing of the hoopoe individual so we can talk among all age.
other hand also appreciate comments on how the numbers are being caught in other stations participating in the program PASER, and we suspect that the winter survival has been worryingly low.
In the day have participated as Rings: Rafa Martín, Carlos Ponce and Octavio Infante. The contributors were: Cristian Pérez, Jus Pérez, Pedro Silos, Beatrice Thomas, Unai Source, and Beatriz Vigalondo.
Photography Octavio Infante.