Sunday, May 30, 2010

Good Music For Taekwondo Demo

7 th day

again very low numbers of captures. Only 24 birds of 16 species, 12 rings, 11 controls and an unbanded bird. The latter is the same as the previous chaffinch day, recognizable by the tarsi deformed, probably due to scabies, as Jesus told us kindly Pinilla. Between the rings also captured a female robin incubatriz plate and a warbler mosquito net. We believe that this latter species, found in migration, should have already reached their breeding grounds and are no soto de la Presa del Rey.

1 + 0 1 + 1 Ceti nightingale
1 + 1 Garden Warbler 1 + 0
Tree Sparrow 1 + 0
tit 1 + 3
Greenfinch 1 + 0
Serin 2 + 0 1 + 0
black Starling
2 + 0 0 + 2 Common Nightingale Blackbird
0 + 2
0 + 1 0 + 1 Woodpecker
ring Chaffinch

I leave a photograph of the wing of the hoopoe individual so we can talk among all age.

other hand also appreciate comments on how the numbers are being caught in other stations participating in the program PASER, and we suspect that the winter survival has been worryingly low.

In the day have participated as Rings: Rafa Martín, Carlos Ponce and Octavio Infante. The contributors were: Cristian Pérez, Jus Pérez, Pedro Silos, Beatrice Thomas, Unai Source, and Beatriz Vigalondo.

Photography Octavio Infante.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Trailers For Sale Niagara Region

Day 6

Another warm day. Sunny day with high temperatures and no wind. Has dawned with a great show. Countless columns of mosquitoes rose while the sun rose over the horizon and slowly heated air. Again

few birds and, therefore, little catch. A total of 45 of 16 species with 28 rings, 16 controls and no ring. Here's the list:

Tree Sparrow Goldfinch
2 + 0 1 + 0 1 + 0
Sparrow 2 + 0
Tit Starling
3 + 5 1 + 0
vulgar Ceti
nightingale 0 + 1 Common Nightingale 4 + 4
polyglot 3 + 0 2 + 0 Greenfinch tit

0 + 2 0 + 1 Wryneck European Chaffinch

Hoopoe 2 + 0 6 + 1 Blackbird
Warbler 1 + 2
chickens already have over the grove. In the photos you can see a common starling and under a common blackbird, both born this breeding season, so that we date with code 3.

On the other hand, we have captured a chaffinch that had a deformity that prevented us from tarsi banded. In the photos you can look at it. Comments are welcome if anyone knows what may be due.

the conference participants were: Rings and Octavio Magaña Oscar Infante. Contributors: Beatriz Thomas, Tony Perez and Cristian de la Nuez.

and Octavio Magaña Oscar Infante.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Can You Board A Plane With A Clipped License?

concentrate and work PAUL

Although it seems that we have gone away, it is not. Still here. I know we have the blog a bit abandoned, and that should an entry telling how it went for Galicia, but we are preparing the new album, and is a task that has absorbed. And it goes well. We already have much of what will be our fourth album, a work in which we come home and are dedicated to music here in Aragon. Traditional tunes, some well known, others less so, with which we are working by issues to our style and standard instruments. So far the results we are enjoying it very much, and hope you have as well received as above.
Moreover, this weekend we have returned to the concerts. We had more than two months without playing live, and what we missed. And both the Friday and Saturday in Calatayud Aguaviva have enjoyed as they often do. Thanks to people who have been with us and has sent us so hot. It is a pleasure to see people smile while you are playing and are a pleasure then you give thanks for having made a good time. Yesterday, while we were loading the equipment to leave, a lady came up and we said something like they had taken to another world. What better compliment for a musician?
So as I said, we are still here. Concentrates and working ....

Is Dimethicone Bad For The Skin

well ... was saying a few days ago who was embalao and drawing a lot and although in truth I could continue drawing as two weeks in dry dock for the fucking technology.
damn damn computer technology and if the thing does not arranged and apparently seen do not seem to be aa fix I ran out and the most serious computer without the psd files I had on it, anything he had done and nothing of what was doing among them what he was doing on the most fatal ..... I can recover I'm really burned out, frustrated and defeated by a fucking machine.
course of the blame is mine for not having kept apart all these things but I shit on your fucking microft and pc, s of shit.
still harbor some hope to recover files but the attempts made so far have not borne fruit.
in order that the thing to fix a greeting everyone.

writing from the gigs and doing extra.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Pokemon White On Cydia

Day 5

start hot days, but the dawn has risen a gentle wind that has been with us throughout the day. We coded as indicated in our field cards that the wind was annoying (move networks). Probably this fact has caused the low number of catches. These figures are very low, but to discuss with other colleagues in the SEO-Monticola Ornithological Group is being replicated in other PASER stations maintained by the group. In total we captured 42 individuals of 14 species, of which 28 have been banded and 14 were controls.

On the other hand, of the 42 catches only 9 individuals had no signs of being breeding right now, ie almost 80% of the catch are the main breeding time. Garden Warbler

3 + 0 3 + 3 Tree Sparrow
Goldfinch 4 + 0 4 + 2
Gray Flycatcher
1 + 0 1 + 1 Sparrow Tit

2 + 2 1 + 0 Starling vulgaris Ceti
0 + 1
Nightingale Common Nightingale 2 + 3
polyglot 2 + 0 4 + 1 Greenfinch tit
0 + 1 ring-free Short-toed Treecreeper

addition to these catches, some attendees witnessed how a sparrowhawk was trying to prey on an agate that was itself caught in the net. Finally got away without getting the passerine prey. He also stressed the observation of a strong influx of Swallows pursued by two European falcons . Even the owls sing from the cliffs.

Banders of the day were: Arantza Leal, Carlos Ponce and Octavio Infante. Collaborators: Pedro Silos, Trees Robjins and Ariel Brunner. The latter two are partners in the office of BirdLife International in Brussels. Photo

Carlos Ponce.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Sew In Weave With A Bang Show

Day 4

captured first birds of the season. The species: Myth. Day
more entertaining than the previous by-catch numbers and species diversity. In total 83 individuals were captured of which 64 have been banded and 19 controls 19 species. The species most caught
is, again, the Sparrow.
Here is a list of the Rings and controls obtained:

Blackcap 2 + 4
Garden Warbler 6 + 0
Tree Sparrow
5 + 0 0 11 + Goldfinch Bird
moscón 1 + 0 5 + 0
Myth 9 + 3
1 + 1 2 + 0
Abejaruco Gray Flycatcher
1 + 0
12 + 2 3 + 0 Tit Starling
5 + 0 1 + 0
nightingale 0 + Ceti 3
Common Nightingale 0 + 3
Zarcero polyglot
0 + 1 0 + 1 Short-toed Treecreeper tit
0 + 1

Banders of the day were: Oscar Magaña, Rafa Martín and Carlos Ponce. Photos of Oscar Magaña.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Ovary Swollen Lymph Node

3 ª Jornada

banding day to catch numbers, 46, still somewhat low. Of these 16 were controls catches. Once again the most caught species was the Sparrow. Highlights of the first catch of the season Zarcero polyglot.

Sparrow 9 +1
Carbon common ero 2 +2
R common uiseñor 1 +2
Short-toed Treecreeper 0 +1
Mockingbird 1 Ceti +3
Goldfinch 5 +1
Zarcero polyglot
2 +0 1 +1 Greenfinch

Wryneck Woodpecker 1 +1 1 +0 2 +
Flycatcher 0
Serin 3 +0

Garden Warbler Blackcap 2 +0 0 +1 0 +2

Myth Hoopoe 0 +1

The image you can see a male Pied Flycatcher.

Cola Hoopoe
age 5, ie, a bird born last year. Following Baker, the white color pattern of the outer rectrices indicate a young individual.

Two individuals of Wryneck. The guy on the left is a male while the right is a female. Sexual differentiation was made because the board has already incubatriz female infant, that is, shortly put their eggs and the male had developed their cloacal protuberance. In addition, you can see a color more ocher in the neck of the male. Both individuals have been considered by plumage characteristics as age 5 (born last year).

have participated in the day as ringers: Oscar Magaña, Carlos Ponce and Octavio Infante. As a collaborator Pedro Silos.
Photos of Carlos Ponce.