other times I had played around nearby, in Burgos, Palencia and Zamora, but this was our first visit to Valladolid. It was in these days of December, in which half the country walked snowy, so we had a pretty good landscape to a few kilometers before arriving. The snow plows had done their work and the highway was clean, but off road it was all a seamless white robe that made us enjoy the journey in a special way. Both, therefore, that the child still within us made us stop at a rest area to pull a bolazos and make some laughs.

After another stop for lunch near from Burgos, arrived punctually at five in the afternoon at the door of the auditorium of the Faculty of Law of Valladolid, where we expected Jaime friend Lafuente ( Tradere ), el "culpable" de que estuviéramos allí. Nos reencontramos con Pablo y Oscar, responsables del sonido, con quienes ya habíamos tenido la grata ocasión de coincidir el pasado mes de Junio en Soria, y después de una prueba rápida y fácil, aún nos quedó un ratito para tomar algo y relajarnos antes del concierto. Pili preguntó a Jaime por un bar que había frecuentado hace unos cuantos añitos ya, y resultó que quedaba ahí cerca. Un sitio de lo más agradable, y que visitaríamos una vez más por la noche.

Thanks to the photos we took Jaime you can give notice that the scene of that day was undoubtedly the most solemn place where we never touched. Giving a desire to be a cap and gown and sing "Gaudeamus Igitur "....

The nice thing is that evening concerts at 10 pm you're all done and settled, so that after Jaime and Carmen will accompany us to the hotel to leave bags of rigor, we took a wine with them a great site that then we serve as a no less great portions, accompanied by a good Ribera del Duero, which is what comes in the area. Another memorable dinner for our curriculum, after which a drink in a tavern Irish guy that both of these have proliferated lately. But it was night many Christmas dinners, and the atmosphere and the music we were very supportive, so we decided to return to the cafeteria, where fortunately the thing improved considerably. We met Carmen and her friend (sorry do not remember his name), who had been at the concert and greeted us. Carmen is a Brazilian Valladolid fell one day, liked it and stayed. And talking, talking, was that we had a common name out there, what a small world ... A friend of mine has spoken often of a theory that argues that any two people in this world can be linked simply with 4 or 5 intermediate links. Curious ...
The truth is that we met half bar, and together, Marta, a very fun girl we found a report in the daily newspaper that brought a touch of humor at the end of the night. Among the peculiar details of history and the particular wording of the same by the journalist, it was almost impossible to read without laughing. And if not, take a look here
and see ...
and see ...
So the snow, the friendliness of our hosts (thanks and a kiss, Jaime and Carmen), the concert enjoyable and fun night, we must recognize that was a great day. By the way, I know that always seems to say and sounds a bit like a cliché, but in addition to the solemn scene was tremendous public response. Enthusiasm we have not seen rarely, while between songs even shouted at us a compliment, awesome, really do not know if we deserve so much. Then, Carmen told us that sometimes the public there is a tad beyond in their work, but the truth is that he is playing is very nice. A thousand thanks.
And as we did so well and we liked it so much, we return immediately. Next week we day 12 in the stove Concerts
in Arrabal de Portillo, and the next day, February 13, in Mucientes in the Museum Classroom
in Arrabal de Portillo, and the next day, February 13, in Mucientes in the Museum Classroom
I'll tell you .
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