Today Thursday of Corpus Christi holiday in Madrid, we made a day of ringing more. Stars the day were a pair of Orioles and another couple of Abubillas.
Increasingly fledged chickens are captured almost all species. These captures have led to high numbers Sparrow catches (15).
have captured 63 individuals of 15 species, of which 49 have been banded and 14 controls. Here's the list

Goldfinch 1 +0 2 +0
common Serin
Sparrow Common Nightingale
14 +1 +6 9 2 +0
nightingale Ceti 3 +4 1 +0
Swallow Greenfinch 1 +0 1 +1
Blackbird Chaffinch Myth 2 +0 1 +0
Tree Sparrow 8 +1 0 +1
Blackcap Hoopoe 2 +0
Oriole (Oriolus Oriolus) 2 +0
have been made to move more than 6 chips.
Here is the only chicken Common Nightingale captured so far.

The team of the day was:
Rings: Arantza Leal, Carlos Ponce and Octavio Infante.
In training: Diego Llorente (may be his last day as a candidate if they pass the exam this Saturday. Courage!)
Other collaborators: Irene Iglesias, and Pablo Rodríguez Belén Sola.
photos Belén Rodríguez.
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