The importance of small things, of what passes before our eyes without being seen ... the demand for beauty, the unusual, the "subtext" of music in a world that is too fast to stop and breathe.
After the long journey from the hand of that great Irish composer O'Carolan takes its name, with the learned, steeped in simplicity and humility of his music, the group stops in music closer and looks back at Aragon . Music of our tradition, from the Pyrenees to the mountains of Teruel, self-composed music from a prism between popular and classical.
This disc is intended as a "passing note." Just a breath ... a touch in time, a musical look different. "
Within days, our" Letter from Paso "finally see the light. It has been many months filled with hours of work, a lot of time devoted to Therefore, with great care, enthusiasm and commitment ... what at first seemed an impossible project we have been gradually turning into something achievable and tangible. There has been good and not so good times, phases of discouragement and after stages optimism, in short, all that is normal to happen when one embarks on a story that requires some dedication.
important thing is that it is alive, and we're more than satisfied with the result. And on the way we have been fortunate to be surrounded by a great and wonderful people who have had a lot to do when everything has gone as has come out. It was a pleasure to work with them, both with Manolo Martinez, author of the arrangements of the strings, as Noel, Cecilia, Jorge and Antonio, our beloved quartet agrees. Trials have been looking impossible now, taking advantage of nights and afternoons at the cost of lunch and dinner times, and have never heard a complaint out of their mouths. A great pleasure to work with people like that ... Thanks!
And the same with our "studio head," New Moon undoubtedly the best studio in the world. Kike and David are professionals as the top of a pine, and some friends as the cup of another. It was priceless to hear again and again, the slightest hint of problem, which became our favorite phrase: "It's okay, quiet ..." Again and again, seemingly fixing inarreglable. Thanks!
Special thanks also to all who have trusted us and what you bought before listening. Thank you very much indeed for your confidence, I sincerely hope that what you hear is completely to your liking.
And thanks, of course, Jesus, the "sixth", for giving his bouzouki on various subjects.
So that's it ...
But the day "passing note" will not be the final out, but the beginning. From there the work begins to reach many corners that close and not so much to cheer or soothe the soul of everyone who hears music in it. If we get that we will be satisfied. Because you are important, without you our story does not make sense ...