second day After the rains did not allow to have made the past weekend the second day, today it has developed satisfactorily. Less
catch the first day. 38 catches of 15 species. Of course, these species some very interesting and unusual banding, although readily audible and visible by soto de la Presa del Rey. They are also very interesting
controls Common Nightingale, a species that has just come from the African winter quarters.
Here's the list of species:
Merops apiaster 1 ring + 0 controls
Upupa epops 1 + 0
1 Picus viridis + 0
Carduelis chloris 1 + 1
Passer hispaniolensis 2 + 3
Cettia cetti 2 + 1
Sylvia borin 2 + 0
Sylvia atricapilla 3 + 0
Fringilla coelebs 1 + 2
Parus major 0 + 4
Parus caeruleus 0 + 1
Certhia brachydactyla 1 + 2
Phylloscopus trochilus 1 + 0
rings day have been Rafa Martín, Oscar Magaña and Carlos Ponce. Also have been continuing with their learning: Jus Pérez and David Olmos.
Stock Jus Pérez