Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sympathy Quotes For Non Religious

unlucky first steps ..

good because although this is not just the ambience but to start is taking shape.
the hsitoria ... good is a cave inhabited by these strange creatures, winged and cement, or rock .. I never knew well as set this moebius but I remember that cement was deep ..
in order not care.
as a taste of what will I leave you there.
hope not screw up that I like.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Black Seed Oil And Genital Herpes

second day

After the rains did not allow to have made the past weekend the second day, today it has developed satisfactorily. Less
catch the first day. 38 catches of 15 species. Of course, these species some very interesting and unusual banding, although readily audible and visible by soto de la Presa del Rey. They are also very interesting
controls Common Nightingale, a species that has just come from the African winter quarters.
Here's the list of species:

Merops apiaster 1 ring + 0 controls
Upupa epops 1 + 0
1 Picus viridis + 0
Carduelis chloris 1 + 1
Passer hispaniolensis 2 + 3
Cettia cetti 2 + 1
Sylvia borin 2 + 0
Sylvia atricapilla 3 + 0
Fringilla coelebs 1 + 2
Parus major 0 + 4
Parus caeruleus 0 + 1
Certhia brachydactyla 1 + 2
Phylloscopus trochilus 1 + 0

rings day have been Rafa Martín, Oscar Magaña and Carlos Ponce. Also have been continuing with their learning: Jus Pérez and David Olmos.

Stock Jus Pérez

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

What Would Cause Small Grey Flecks In Urine


So we've seen the artist Pablo Sancho.
Here you can see more of the work of this great artist. We loved
. Thanks, Paul.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Brazilian Waxbangalore

1 ª Jornada PASER year

seemed yesterday when we finished the days of 2009. We have already begun PASER 2010 and we hope we have the same success as last year.
For starters, you have captured a total of 62 individuals from 18 species. Of these 9 were controls catch and 1 an individual unbanded.
Here's the first listing of the year. This year also we have to enjoy and learn in La Presa.

Total Carduelis chloris 1 1 Turdus merula 52 Total general
Species Banding Recapture Without Bail
Aegithalos caudatus 4


Certhia brachydactyla
1 1 2
Erithacus rubecula 3

Ficedula hypoleuca 1

Fringilla coelebs 2 1
Luscinia megarhynchos 4 1
Parus major 3 2
Passer hispaniolensis 2 1
Passer montanus 3 1
Phoenicurus phoenicurus 1

Phylloscopus bonelli 3

Phylloscopus collybita 9

Phylloscopus trochilus 4

Remiz pendulinus
Sylvia atricapilla 10

Sylvia cantillans

1 2
9 1 62

emphasizes the capture of a Redstart , species not captured last year and is not regularly observed by the banding station. Also interesting is the control of blowfly Bird .

The day was enjoyed as rings and Carlos Alberto Ponce Remacha as a collaborator.